Meshy Documentation

Learn everything there is to know about Meshy's features, APIs, and how to use them.

What is Meshy?

Meshy is your 3D generative AI toolbox for effortlessly creating 3D assets from text or images, accelerating your 3D workflow. With Meshy, you can create high-quality textures and 3D models in minutes.

Meshy is powered by the latest advances in AI and machine learning, and is built for designers, artists, and developers. Whether you're a 3D artist, a game developer, or a creative coder, Meshy can help you create 3D assets faster than ever before.

Meshy Texturer: Empowering Artists with AI-Driven 3D Texturing

Main Features

Some of the main features of Meshy include:

Text to TextureA new way to create textures for your 3D models. Simply type in a descriptive text prompt of the texture you want and upload your model, and Meshy will generate a texture for you in 3 minutes.
Image to TextureDesigned for artists and designers, without breaking the original workflow. Meshy allows you to create textures from concept art images and a base model in less than 10 minutes.
Text to 3DEmpowering creators of all skill levels, even those without any prior 3D experience, to generate fully textured 3D models from a simple text prompt within 2 minutes.
Image to 3DCreating 3D models with only a single image. Meshy will infer the 3D structure of the object from the image and generate a fully textured 3D model in less than 15 minutes.

How to Use These Docs

These docs are designed to help you get started with Meshy as quickly as possible. They cover all the main features of Meshy, and provide detailed information on how to use them.

On the left side of the page, you'll find a sidebar with links to all the main sections of the documentation. You can use this sidebar to navigate to the section you're interested in.

For quick access to a specific page, you can use the search bar at the top, or the search shortcut (Ctrl+K or Cmd+K).


For more information about Meshy, check out the following resources:

Using Meshy

Start creating stunning 3D assets for your projects with Meshy. Learn how to get started.

API Reference

Learn about the Meshy API and how to use it to create, retrieve, update, delete, and list your assets.


Contact us to learn more about Meshy, our partnership program, and how we can help you.


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